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< NAGARROVerizon >

(Software Developer)

Microsoft Intern Interview
1. Given an array with some values and another array with indexes stored
in random order. Delete the values in array according to the index array.

2. How to find whether a number is of 2^n expressible ?

3. Deleting a large tree of about 1GB

Electronic Arts Intern Phone Interview - I

1. Why EA ?

2. Ever used any gaming engine ?
I just named Unity

3. Construct class structure for a Ping Pong Game

4. Some questions about the projects were there.

5. What is a hash function ? Explain its working.

Electronic Arts Intern Phone Interview - II

1. How was the Phone Interview ?

2. Are you aware about the MVC pattern ?

3. He explained me about the MVC pattern and then asked me how we can use
this for gaming. MVC = Model-View-Controller

4. A problem related to Knapsack, I didn't remembered that

5. Given an array of integers. Find the minimum no of jumps required for
reaching the end of the array. You can jump to at most the value
where you are standing.

6. Any idea about NP Complete Problems! ( NO :P )

Coupon Dunia Phone Interview

1. Some probability Questions

2. Find the min element in an sorted rotated array
Ex: converted to

3. An array consists of elements from 1 to 100. Element may be missing. Find it.

4. Given a tree in the form of matrix
Id Name P Order
0 0 null 1
1 1 0 1
2 1.1 1 1
3 2 0 2
4 1.1.1 2 1
5 2.1 3 1
6 1.2 1 2

Id -> node name
Name -> output to be printed
Parent -> parent of node
Order -> 1 = left child, 2 = right child

Output Required:


Infoedge/ Technical Interview - I

1. Difference between threads and process

2. how threading works at CPU level

3. Idea about thrashing

4. List page replacement policies

5. what data structure uses FIFO

6. How paging works ?

7. what are page faults

8. what is ATM

9. have you ever made a thread based program in c

10. Let suppose there is a large file of about 1PB ( = 1000TB ) and you want
to read it using 4 threads. How it these threads would work.
I said about Sync but he asked in a bit details.

11. A large linked list is given with a pointer to a middle node. How would
you delete that node ?

12. He asked about what Internet Technologies I have worked on ?
I listed html,css,php,js,jquery,ajax

13. how the server works ? what server you used ? ( i said apache )

14. Is server a process or a thread.
i just guessed that the server is a process that is continously listening
to a port and when a request comes through the network it creates a thread
for it which invokes the interpreter to execute php

15. he asked difference between compiler & interpreter ? can php be compiled ?

16. are you comfortable with php ? ( after yes )

$a = 2;
if( $a = 3 )
echo "Hello";
echo "False";

Output ?

17. What is Ajax ?

18. how the ajax works ? tell me about headers ?

19. What is an IP Address and of how many bits ?

20. what is network addressing ? your networks would have a public id address then
who manages the internal networks ip addresses ?

21. What are relational databases ? why we use relational databases ? Have you
worked over NoSQL ?

22. What is Left Inner Join ? Write C code for Left Inner Join if the two tables
are given in form of arrays.

23. What is difference between Unique Key and Primary Key.

24. What are Web Sockets ? ( I mentioned this in my Resume so he asked )
What is Socket Programming ?

25. What UDP has advantages over TCP.

26. What is HTTP ?

27. How HTTP request transfers form Client to Server ? What are the headers associated with it ?

28. That dictionary question Sushrut mentioned ( Scroll the MANIT Coders for this ) :P

29. What is MVC framework ? Tell me about it's workflow ? ( Resume Question )

30. What is JSON ? What is XML ?

31. Write a sample JSON and XML. Which one is better ? What are the advantages of JSON over XML!

32. Write a recursive code to parse the given XML in php ( as I was comfortable in this :P )



Sorry if I missed something :)

Infoedge/ Technical Interview - II

1. Design a Class Structure for Almirah

2. What are Intents in the Android ? Is there any other method for data transfer from
one activity to another without using Intent

3. All Project Related Questions

4. Reverse of a Linked List


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